Kreativitet! :)

Jag hade en text att läsa tills imorgon och i den hittade jag följande:

Vygotsky (1995) claims that creativity is a basic human function and not only a special

gift that can produce inventions and masterpieces. He compares creativity to electricity:

just as electricity works, not only in great thunder storms, but also in the little bulb of a

torch, creativity exists not only in great artworks, but everywhere when a human

fantasises, combines, changes or creates something new, no matter how small.

It is hard
to imagine a culture without music of any kind. We do not know much about the musical

life of our ancestors, who lived at the dawn of human history. We have no recordings,

nor have any musical instruments been preserved. We can, however, assume that music

played just as vital a roll in their lives as we know art and decorated artefacts did.

Bradshaw Paintings in the Northwest corner of Australia, generally considered to be

between 17,000 and as much as 40,000 years old (Bradshaw Foundation, 2003)

demonstrate this clearly. The Bradshaw Coordinator, sculptor John Robinson, maintains

that these paintings "compare to anything that has been created in the past" (Robinson,


The famous cave paintings in France, among them Lascaux and Chauvet, were

created in about the same time span. We can only guess what the songs and instruments

might have sounded like in the caves, inhabited by our ancestors, over 30,000 years ago,

but we can be certain that there was music.

Children have been performing and creating music throughout the history of mankind,

whether or not their parents or teachers noticed it. This study provides insight into how

children create music in many everyday situations. What is new is that the tools for

performing and creating music have changed radically.

Jag tycker att det var ett intressant sätt att se på saken.

Sov gott!

Det tänker jag göra!



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